Youth Advisory Board

We Need You!

A panel will select the most qualified applicants.
Submit the following information to [email protected]

Required Information:

  • Your school name
  • Your full name
  • Your age, grade and phone number
  • A brief paragraph of why you want to serve on the board
  • What talent/skills you will bring to the board (This is where you get to brag.)
  • One idea on how to raise awareness about suicide prevention.

Click here for more information.


Meet SPEA’s Youth Advisory Board


President: Emma Nagy, Willoughby South
Vice President: James Gruver, Kenston
Treasurer: MacKenna Grubiss, Willoughby South
Secretary: Geoffrey Heider, Rocky River

Board Members

Drey Awosika, Notre Dame Cathedral Latin

Karis Courey, Highland

Nora DeMilta, Willoughby South

MacKenna Grubiss, Willoughby South

James Gruver, Kenston

Geoffrey Heider, Rocky River

Katie Johnston, Berea

Katy Kostenko, Orange

Ali Magyaros, Chagrin Falls

Emma Nagy, Willoughby South

Katie O’Rourke, Strongsville

Jalisa Owens, Bedford

Lauren Peacock, Lake Ridge Academy

Jackie Sanabria, Orange

Stephanie Schwarten, Midpark

Rebecca Tenney, Orange

Kathleen Wright, Revere



Check out SPEA’s Youth Advisory Board’s Latest Project!

SPEA’s mission is to prevent suicide by teaching young people to recognize the warning signs of suicide and to seek professional help for themselves and others. The Youth Advisory Board supports SPEA’s mission by: serving as consultants for SPEA and engaging in awareness building and fundraising activities.


YAB Member Responsibilities Include:

  • Attend mandatory monthly meetings
  • Provide SPEA with valuable teen input
  • Participate in important SPEA events including its annual Into the Light Walk
  • Create school and community-based activities and projects that will raise awareness of teen depression and funds for SPEA


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